Some people have indeed developed a fondness for money & have devoted themselves to the accumulation of riches. Some have become slaves of money and have reaped tragic consequences. There is news of shootout between the police and holdapers, kidnappers etc. These are only a few examples of activities that people choose to do in order to have plenty of money. They wanted to get rich instantly without doing much effort. While some loose hope for they’ve been through hard work & then still lacks money. But, there are also who have plenty of money but then they are not yet contented of what they have. This results to corruption and abuse of power.

Perhaps we could say that “money” is the center of human life nowadays. We can't survive nor exist in our daily living w/o it and we need it in order to be used for our daily needs such as food, shelter etc.
But, don’t you know that money when manage properly can be a useful tool? Everyone of us should know how to save, make a budget, learn the difference between needs and wants and lastly you should plan for your future needs. It can provide us with the freedom to pursue the most important things in life such as a close bond with family, fiends and possibly with GOD. He should be the center of our life instead of money.
Still, in this world it seems impossible to be totally free of money worries. Therefore, it is still a must to manage our money wisely for us to be able to live peacefully, free of worries.
Take note, be contented of what you have is a must! and if you’re not, try to work hard for you to attain what you wanted.

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