Gossip can fill your life with more intrigue & can ruin your reputation as well. Many people have been a victim of harmful gossip even if it’s not true.
During the olden days, gossip was most often spread by word of mouth. Today, we are living in a world of modern technology, gossip also has gone hi-tech. A person with malevolent purpose could devastate your life without you knowing it. In just a few clicks on the internet and cellphones you’re reputation could be at stake.
But, what can we say to these gossipers? Well, I’ll tell you, they will never talk about a certain person if they do not care, some maybe insecure.
Is gossip always bad? There are instances that gossip is not always bad. It really depends on the subject matter. Specifically, if the word merely means casual talk, there maybe times that it’s not a harmful gossip. But, casual talk can be turned into a harmful gossip.
It is just clear that harmful gossip has its negative effects. So, if you think that the conversation is leading to a harmful gossip, just simply avoid to get involve in it coz it may just cause you a problem. Always bear in mind to live quietly & to mind your own business.
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